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Showing posts from June, 2022


N owadays, the Indian newspaper headline is "The power crisis in India or the electricity crisis in India”. The northern regions of India are experiencing power outages that last 6–8 hours in cities and up to 18 hours in villages. Industries in industrial states like Gujarat were ordered by the government to cut their power consumption in half. Around 400 passenger trains are forced to stop in order to move coal efficiently. Why is this happening in India? What is the reason behind this power crisis? Today we will discuss this question's answers. Before we get into the answer, it's important to understand how India's power sector works. Thermal power plants in India generate 70% of the country's electricity. Thermal power plants operate by boiling water to vaporize it, which then passes through a turbine to generate electricity. As a result, boiling water plays a crucial role in this procedure. A variety of items are used in the boiling process. Among all of the ma